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Master the Skills to Create Website Layouts

Front-End Development with React

  • Duration8 Month
  • Lectures64 Lectures
  • Projects10+

React js is one of the most popular frameworks that you can use to design your website interface. It ensures your convenience by providing you a hassle-free, flexible work experience. In addition, React js is built on an open source platform with an extensive library that simplifies the complex coding. Considering the feasibility, most of the developers prefer using this framework, you can also have your expertise with our advanced Front-End Development Course. Enroll now.

850+ Reviews1200+ Student

Course Overview

Our course includes everything to train you to become a skilled front-end developer. The topics are organized from basic to advanced, with practical projects to gradually increase your competence. The course includes a vast range of topics including HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, REACT JS and NEXT JS. You will also learn VS CODE, and Sigma software, and receive guidelines to start working on local markets.

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Admission Is Going On

Enroll now to any of our Offline (On- Campus) or Online (Live Class) courses as per your suitable time.

Course Fee Offline

BDT 60000

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Course Fee Online

BDT 30000

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Course Curriculum

    • Website Layout Design
    • JavaScript Functions
    • React JS
    • React Context API
    • React Redux
    • Next JS
    • E-commerce Website Design With API
    • Create Next JS Web Page

Softwares You'll Learn



VS Code

VS Code

Web Browser

Web Browser

This Course is Designed for

Anyone interested to learn freelancing

Anyone interested to learn freelancing

Job seekers

Job seekers







Career Opportunities

Creative IT Institute

Freelancing can be your first priority if you want to pursue an independent and flexible career with a handsome salary. Many countries offer loads of work opportunities for Web Developers

Open Job Positions

  • Software Engineer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Backend Developer
  • Web Developer

Exclusive Solutions that Set Us Apart

Review Class

Review Class

Do you face difficulty when you review the previous concepts? To ensure the best learning outcome, we arrange review classes that help our students overcome any problem in their skill development process. You will be able to understand the topics that you find complex under the close supervision of our skilled mentors.

Lifetime Support

Lifetime Support

Creative IT and its students share a lifetime bond. We strengthen our bond with you by providing lifelong support that helps you to overcome any problem in your career path even after completing your course. Our expert support team ensures 24-hour service to all of our students. The personalized feedback that you receive from us, helps you grow, every day.

Practice lab support

Practice lab support

We offer our students practice lab support so that they can complete their courseworks feasibly at any time. The uninterrupted learning environment that we ensure, helps the student gather practical knowledge in an efficient manner.

Career Placement Support

Career Placement Support

Our career placement department is ready to help you find a lucrative job. We ensure your resume gets into the hands of the right hiring manager. So far this department has helped more than 42000 students to find jobs in competitive global platforms. Promising a better future, we have successfully raised the job placement rate to 46% in 2024.

Virtual Internship

Virtual Internship

Without in-hand experience, no one can be competent in any skill. Practical work experience is a must have for better career opportunities. CIT offers its students virtual internship opportunities, where they can work under the supervision of industry experts. The online internships qualify to be as effective as offline work experience. Hence, you can also complete our internship at our office. 


We think of each of our students as a member of our Creative IT family. Your valuable suggestions will push us to improve our services and move forward.

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